• Examples of our experience

    Representing a professional footballer in a Schedule 1 claim brought against him by his former partner.
    She was seeking housing provision for their son substantially above what was reasonable, taking account of our client’s income and capital. Obtaining a court order and setting up a trust for the child that protected our client’s capital.  That capital had to be paid back to the client when the child attained the age of 18 or completed full time education.

    Representing a mother in very protracted proceedings where the father represented himself. 
    He had refused to take legal advice, had refused to acknowledge the mother’s share in their home and had refused to put the property on the market for sale.  Obtaining a court order for the sale of the property with a direction that half of the sale proceeds be paid to the mother. In addition, obtaining an order allowing the mother to keep a proportion of the father’s share of the sale proceeds to invest in a new home for herself and their children until the last of the children attained the age of 18 or completed full time secondary education.

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Saika Alam Partner - Head of Family Law

+44 (0) 20 7851 0110


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